Rot Technician

Dry Rot Treatment

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How To Treat Dry Rot

Dry rot is a severe timber decaying condition that requires professional expertise to fully eradicate from a property. Our guide to dry rot treatment will explain our process, however, we would strongly advise that treating dry rot should only ever be attempted by qualified professionals.

Continue reading to find out how we treat dry rot problems, and If you are worried about an infestation in your home or business then arrange a dry rot survey with our specialist team on 0800 0121 437 or click the button below to book a survey.

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fungicidal dry rot treatment spray

Dealing with Dry Rot

Wood-destroying dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans) is a far more serious problem than wet rot. If mycelium (fungal threads) are found during a survey then it is essential that you deal with it as soon as possible. Our technicians will go through the following steps to treat dry rot in your home.

How We Fix Dry Rot Outbreaks

In most cases our dry rot treatment process broadly follows these steps:

1. Stop the Moisture Source

Locate and remove any wall plaster or infected wood to allow direct access to the treatment area. Our pre-treatment work will prevent future dry rot spore dust from germinating.

2. Remove Damaged Area

All decayed wood and damaged linings such as panelling, skirting, ceilings and plaster that show signs of mycelium, hyphae or fungal fruiting bodies are removed to prevent the further spread of the fungus. Any spore dust gathered at the site will also be removed.

3. Targeted Dry Rot Treatment

If structural timbers and brickwork are affected by the dry rot fungus then a fungicidal paste, spray or injection is applied to form a protective chemical barrier. This will not only prevent wood-rotting fungi from re-establishing themselves but prevent attacks from wood-boring insects for many years to come.

4. Damaged Timber Replacement

Once our property technicians are certain that dry rot is fully eradicated from your home, they will begin replacing timber with preservative-treated timbers.

How to Treat Dry Rot in Timber

Our dry rot treatment specialists will repair affected timbers where it is possible to do so. Any timber that is strong enough to remain will be generously treated with our dry rot fungicide and biocides. These specially formulated dry rot treatments will destroy any lingering dry rot spores and also stop further infestations.

Generally, surfaces are sprayed but the fungicidal solution can also be applied by brush, injection and in gel or paste formulations.

Treating dry rot affected timber

How To Replace Timber Affected By Dry Rot

It is often the case that the rot has degraded the wood to the point that replacement is necessary.

Traditionally this has required total replacement, or the use of steel plates, or bolting wood onto the affected timbers. These methods can involve disturbing undamaged timbers, brickwork and plaster work to complete the work. They can also detract from the appearance of the timbers if they are exposed beams.

Our solution is to use epoxy resin timber splice bonds with reinforcement rods. This allows the repair of structural timbers without the expense or disruption of replacing the whole timber support.

Alongside being more efficient and cost-effective, epoxy resin repair means the repaired section can be stained or painted to match the surrounding wood.

Dry Rot Treatment for Masonry and Brickwork

When people talk about dry rot repair, timber treatment often dominates the conversation but it is just as vital to treat any masonry or brickwork that has come into contact with  Serpula lacrymans (dry rot fungus).

Any masonry or brickwork that has been in contact with mycelium fungus, a mushroom-like fruiting body, or any type of wet rot will have to be sprayed or injected with fungicide. This treatment will have to seep deep into the substrate to ensure the spread of the dry rot fungus stops.

What Dry Rot Treatment Products Do We Use

Our qualified technicians are equipped with dry rot fungus treatment solutions that have been certified to effectively deal with dry rot outbreaks. The fungicides and biocides used to treat and repair dry rot are:

  • Modern, water-based microemulsions.
  • Low odour, low hazard and Health and Safety Executive (HSE) approved.
  • Enable treated rooms to be re-occupied after just one hour.

Dry Rot Survey & Identifying Rot

If you have spotted spore dust or any of the signs of dry rot then we would recommend contacting a specialist about a thorough inspection of your property to assess the extent of your dry rot problem. When conducted by one of our qualified surveyors, this may require removing some plaster, skirting or panelling to evaluate the full extent of the dry rot and its causes.

During our dry rot survey, our surveyor will:

  • Perform a detailed inspection of your property.
  • Check for associated damp problems such as other types of wood rot, wet rot or signs of damp.
  • Inspect other areas of your property that may be at risk.
  • Provide a cost-effective solution to your problem.
  • Provide you with a full report outlining findings in each specific area of your property.

How Much Does Dry Rot Treatment Cost?

The costs associated with dry rot treatment will vary depending on how much damage has been caused and the extent of the dry rot outbreak.

Treating the fungus is fairly straightforward and will involve using a chemical treatment, however, the true cost of dry or wet rot treatment will only become apparent after the amount of timber that needs to be repaired and replaced is established. If a large amount of timber needs to be replaced this can significantly alter the price of treatment.

To get a true figure on how much dry rot treatment would cost, the report we deliver upon completion of the professional survey will give you a full breakdown of the price for necessary repairs.

How To Prevent Dry Rot In The Future

Dry rot will only occur on surfaces with a higher than ideal moisture content. If your property has normal or low relative humidity, dry rot spores will remain dormant. For this reason, it is important to keep your property free from dampness. There are many sources of damp and the most common is condensation, which can often be remedied simply by using extractor fans appropriately, opening windows where possible and heating your property evenly.

Other sources of damp that can result in dry rot include rising damp, damaged pipes, broken gutters, or leaking appliances like washing machines or showers.

Simply put - the key to preventing dry rot is to stop excess moisture from building up in your property. This ventilation will allow timber surfaces to dry out so the spores don't have the opportunity to begin sprouting on surfaces with high moisture content.

Does Dry Rot Treatment Come With A Guarantee

As long term members of the Property Care Association and Trust Mark, we guarantee our specialist technicians have the skills, qualifications, craftsmanship and rot treatments to offer an effective solution to your dry rot problem.

As part of our treatment programme, all our dry rot treatments carry a 20-year guarantee on any work carried out by our elite team of property care technicians. Our guarantee can also be transferred over to any future owners protecting your property for years to come to protect against any potential re-infestations.

Contact Your Local Dry Rot Treatment Specialists

Dry Rot is capable of spreading across the building and causing severe structural decay wherever it germinates. The earlier you seek professional help and assistance then the more likely you are to reduce potential rot repair costs.

Contact your local dry rot treatment specialists on 0800 0121 437 or request a rot, woodworm and damp survey appointment online to get to the bottom of the problem.

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More Wood Rot Help & Advice

For more help and advice to identify and treat wood rot take a look at the links below.