A recent report by the UCL Institute of Health Equity and Friends of the Earth has revealed that 1 in 3 UK households (9.6 million) are poorly insulated and may be suffering from cold and damp.
The report also revealed these 9.6m households have an income below the Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s minimum standard for a decent living, defined as £50,000 between a couple with two children. This means it is unlikely they would be able to afford the upgrades necessary to rectify insulation and damp conditions.
Sir Michael Marmot, the director of the UCL Institute of Health Equity commented the following:
“Cold homes are a public health hazard: those living in them have much higher risk of developing poor physical and mental health and this is adding burden on to an already overstretched NHS, and contributing to poor productivity.
“We need urgent action to address poverty, the cost of fuel and to insulate the homes of the poorest, not just because the government has a moral duty to look after the health of its population, but also, frankly, because it makes economic sense, too”
The Government’s Response to the Report
The UK government has responded to the report with a representative responded saying the figures:
“did not take into account homes which have some, but not all, of the insulation measures”.
“Everyone has the right to a warm, secure and decent home – almost half of all homes in England now have an EPC rating of C or above, up from just 14 per cent in 2010.”
The English Housing Survey defines properties with an EPC (Energy Performance) rating of D or lower as a poorly insulated property. To achieve an EPC rating of C or above would require things like an efficient boiler, double-glazed windows or LED lights.
Solutions for Cold, Damp and Poorly Insulated Homes
One of the most cost effective ways to improve the EPC rating in a home is by improving the insulation. This can be as simple as applying or upgrading the insulation in the loft.
A professional damp survey will also get to the root cause of the damp problems and indicate how to fix them permanently. This can avoid performing any misguided DIY repairs that may cost money but not necessarily resolve the damp problem.
Benefits of Insulation
Aside from the immediate benefit of warm homes, insulation has further benefits to a household. As insulation stops heat escaping your home, it can reduce your heating bills, as homes stay warmer for longer.
Insulation can help a property achieve an EPC rating of C or above. EPC rating refers to the energy efficiency of a household. A higher EPC rating can make a property look more appealing to prospective buyers.
Is Your Household Suffering From Damp?
Damp problems can cause significant damage to properties, but sometimes it just takes simple steps to prevent issues with damp and mould. For more issues on damp, visit our damp proofing page.