Recent reports from The Resolution Foundation have revealed that the UK has the highest share of pre-war housing stock of any country in Europe. The report revealed that 38% of UK properties were built before 1946. This puts the UK higher than any other country in Europe. The UK was closely followed by Belgium in 2nd place, where 37% of properties were built pre 1946. Following was Denmark with 34% and France with 29%.
The Consequences of Older Properties
The report went into detail of some of the common problems associated with older properties, and how UK properties may be more likely to suffer from damp problems than its European counterparts. The report stated:
“Given that older properties were constructed when environmental standards were either non-existent or far weaker than today, and are frequently harder to insulate than newer homes (for example, often having solid rather than cavity walls), it is unsurprising that UK homes also perform very badly compared to our European peers when it comes to energy efficiency. (They likely perform badly when it comes to damp as a result too)”

Poor Energy Efficiency and Damp
According to Citizens Advice, there is a correlation between poor energy efficiency in properties and damp. Their research revealed that renters in homes with an EPC rating of D-G were 73% more likely to experience damp than those with an EPC of A-C.
Energy efficient homes are more likely to be well insulated. This means that homes retain heat for longer, making heating bills more affordable for residents. Conversely, poorly insulated properties with cold walls are more likely to see condensation settling on the wall and black mould growth as a result.
Visit our website now for more information on how to prevent issues with damp and mould.