Keeping spiders away

As with most pests, the best way to control spiders is to limit their food source. This includes clearing away any dead flies, or any other small, crawling insects. Here are my five top tips to make your home as unwelcome as possible to our eight legged friends:

  • Vacuum regularly – high and low
  • Make sure that you hoover the sheltered spots too, such as beneath worktops and behind cupboards and sofas
    • Remove noticeable webs
    • You should do this on a regular basis, and remember to check the corners of the ceiling and in the corners of picture frames and mirrors
      • Fill gaps
      • Where possible, make sure that you fill in the gaps between walls, pipework and under the doors which can help to deter entry
        • Remove sheltering sites
        • Spiders will look to tuck themselves away in your firewood piles, garden bags and any compost heaps that you have
          • Deter all insects 
          • The best way to do this is to control your lighting – insects are drawn to light and flies and moths are ideal spider prey

          False Widow Spiders have brown bulbous abdomens with pale markings, and the females can grow up to 15mm. The spiders will only bite humans if they are accidentally provoked or squeezed. Their bites usually only cause a temporary pain (of similar intensity to a wasp sting) and swelling.

          The false widow spider was accidentally imported to the UK about 150 years ago and they are adapting to our temperate climate, with increased sightings across the country. Rentokil Pest Control does offer a False Widow Spider removal service, where human health and safety is paramount.