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Garden moles (european moles)

(Talpa europaea)

As solitary creatures most of the year round, you’ll be very lucky to see a garden (European) mole.  

They rarely come above ground, but the evidence of the activity of a solitary mole can spread far and wide as a mole tunnel system can cover 100 – 1000 square metres.

Moles create extensive networks of permanent and feeding tunnels, so that’s when you’re most likely notice the effects of garden moles on your property.  



  • 15cm in length. 75–130g in weight.
  • Slate–grey ‘velvety’ fur.
  • Short palm–like front feet used for digging. Also known as common or northern mole.
Life cycle and habits of the European Mole

Life Cycle

  • 1 litter per year with 3–4 young.


  • Feeds on earthworms, insect larvae and slugs.
  • Present on most ground below an altitude of 1000m. Disfigures lawns with hills, damages farm machinery, e.g. combine harvesters, by throwing up stones.
  • Livestock may injure their legs in mole tunnels.
  • Solitary apart from breeding season, February to June.